Pull to a side section, and everyone ensure to be within the same section.
Purple marked people stand with back towards OUTSIDE wall (not a lego wall) - everyone else avoid the line.
Anyone with orange circle - move away from group.
Tank: Calamatous Strike will knock tank back .. position to get knocked into the next section through wall. Off-tank immediately taunt after knockback.
Tank: Echoing Fissure cast on location of current tank, covering most of the current area and putting swirlies on floor. Everyone run to next section, avoid swirlies.
PHASE 2 (70%): All current walls despawn.
Everyone in a section with one of the three adds, kill that add before moving on.
Each add has shield .. once shield is down he pulses raidwide damage until dead. Kill asap.
Same raider purple mark knockbacks/orange circles.
Tank: Thundershadow allows shadow of current tank to move through walls, then follow up attack Shadow Strike pushes tanks body to same location. Aim towards next add. Off-tank taunt after knockback.
PHASE 3 (all adds dead):
Keep boss near walls so he can spawn portals from them.
When Ebon Destruction is cast, move into portal - try to be one to a portal.
Portals despawn once they've been used, cutting off supply of new adds.
Kill adds.
Try not to break walls with knockbacks.