Artificer Xy'Mox

Artificer Xy'mox is a three phase encounter in which the raid needs to place two wormholes in the boss room. Players who run into one wormhole will instantly teleport to the other, allowing the raid to deal with the bosses deadly abilities! The boss keeps one set of abilities throughout all phases, aside from one main "relic" ability which changes each phase.

Artificer Xy'mox is unlocked by defeating Shriekwing, the first boss in Castle Nathria. Killing Artificer Xy'mox along with Sun King's Salvation unlocks The Council of Blood. 

Artificer Xy'mox Quick Tips in Castle Nathria

The three phases are defined by three Relics placed by Artificer Xy'mox. These change based on the boss's health:

Relic 1: Crystal of Phantasms - 100% - 70% Health

Relic 2: Root of Extinction - 70% - 40% Health

Relic 3: Edge of Annihilation - 40% - 0% Health