Stix Bunkjunker
The Stix Bunkjunker encounter is the first of the raid and a multi-phase battle focused on ad management, positioning, and coordinated execution of mechanics.
Tank centrally.
Spread out to avoid overlapping damage zones on Incinerator (small orange circles).
Several people will get yellow arrows over them, they will automatically be placed on a ball - white circles show where garbage is going to appear. Roll over garbage, starting with smaller piles. Once fully charged (bar will fill up), collide with a bomb (large orange glowing mine) to remove it or the boss to deal damage. Tanks can handle first bomb, balls the rest.
Players on balls roll over adds to gather up, and hit boss, for the adds to take extra damage and pop out near boss.
HEROIC - Terrotorial Bombshell: nuke them down by 75% health, break their tether, then kill within 30 seconds.