In the dark pits below Nerub-ar Palace, the blood of the Old Gods congeals in foul, black pools. The Bloodbound Horror rises from this vile ooze - drawing everything in its path into The Unseeming.
This is a single-phase boss encounter with an additional realm to it called The Unseeming. Certain boss mechanics allow players to cross into The Unseeming; This will be vital to the group's success.
Bloodlust on Pull.
Split the raid into two groups - taking turns to go to add realm.
Tank frontal .. this frontal sends who it hits to adds realm.
Those in adds realm - interrupt and kill adds. Will return automatically.
Tank Lost Watchers.
Normal realm .. red marker over random raiders will leave trail of puddles. Avoid.
At full boss energy, avoid giant AoE circle around him.
Avoid double rotating beams (these spawn based on where the boss is facing).