Sire Denathrius

Sire Denathrius is a three phase encounter which has the raid fighting the boss in two different encounter spaces! During Phase One, the raid has to manage their Burden of Sin stacks and bring them low enough to survive the March of the Penitent intermission. In Phase Two, you fight the boss and his sword, Remornia, whilst dealing with adds in hard-to-reach locations! Phase Three is a race to the finish, as you need to defeat the boss before he coats the room in deadly Desolation pools.

Sire Denathrius is the final boss of Castle Nathria, third in the Royal Quarters Wing, encountered after defeating the Stone Legion Generals

Sire Denathrius Quick Tips in Castle Nathria (Normal)

Phase One: 100% - 70% Health

Phase Two: 70% - 40% Health

Phase Three: 40% - 0% Health

Sire Denathrius Heroic 

Phase One: 100% - 70% Health

First position prior to first Ravage - circles show positions of those targetted by Night Hunter, and the beam that others need to stand along (don't stand in both!).  X Shows position of first soak group, Skull position of remainder.

Following Ravage, the groups will have moved to a similar position further around the room, with X and Skull positions swapped.  Following 2nd Ravage, again groups move to similar position further round - X taking first wall side position, then Skull.

Phase Two: 70% - 40% Health

Phase Three: 40% - 0% Health

Phase 3 - showing Fatal Finesse positioning.  Most times will only be a set of three, but occasionally two sets.  Position first set at range, second set at melee.