Queen Ansurek
After a revelation of traitors in her court, Queen Ansurek decides she must eradicate the palace's invaders herself. However, paranoia over whom she can trust gnaws at her psyche. With her allies dwindling Queen Ansurek may delve into dark powers to attain victory, even if that means her most loyal soldiers become her next meal...
This is a three-phase boss encounter with intense intermissions in between. There are a variety of adds in this fight with Queen Ansurek not afraid to sacrifice her own if it guarantees her survival.
Phase 1
Tanks kite the boss around the edge, moving to avoid puddles. Taunt swap on Liquify.
Place reactive toxin circle behind boss.
Raiders stand in toxin circle and "pop" it to jump over Venom Nova.
Loosely stack for silken tomb (small white circles), dps everyone out and move from webs on floor.
Avoid web beams.
Boss jumps to centre, pulses venom waves (avoid) and drags players towards centre, with occasional large tug.
Boss has large hit box - don't stand too close. Avoid getting tugged into the boss.
Phase 2 - The Ascent
Split into two groups. Kill the adds on either side of the platform to get knocked up to the next platform.
Kill adds, avoiding beams and getting dragged off.
After main adds die, run up temporary ramp to next platform and continue.
When final add dies, get into position for knock-back onto main final platform.
Phase 3
Conduits - 2 players will get purple circles. Place one on the inside and one on the outside. Use these to avoid frothing gluttony purple circle.
Summoned Acolyte adds (hanging) - kill asap.
Infest - on tank. Run away and drop adds that spawn - they need to be killed before they get to boss.
P1 - Two reactive toxin circles - split to soak. Set "poppers" .. each person can only do one.
P3 - teleporting through portals places a bomb on everyone .. teleport and scatter.