Raid Consumables
Preparing for a raid can be pretty daunting. There are so many things to remember to have - enchants, gems, food, flasks, etc .. and some of what you need varies, depending on what class and spec you're playing.
Also the number that you need will vary, depending on the length of the raid, the number of wipes, etc.
Some items will be relevant to everyone. Please bear in mind Dark Wolves raids last 2½ hours, and we usually do maximum of 20 wipes. You should therefore bring enough consumables to cover that. Don't bring two hours worth of consumables and hope no-one will notice, or that you will be able to "stretch" them.
Enchants should be placed on all relevant gear.
Flasks. They last 60 minutes each, persist through death and give a large stats boost, depending on which you pick. Most people will need THREE of these.
Weapon buffs/oils can be applied and last for 2 hours. You will therefore need TWO of these (unless you have some still applied).
Gems should be used in all sockets. Cyrce's ring from the Siren Isle hold THREE special gems from the island. These are warbound so, once you have them on one character, you can purchase additional copies of them and send them to alts. You can add and remove them at will. Other gems are either EPIC or RARE. You can only equip one Epic gem and whether you should or not depends on your class/role. The remaining gem sockets should be filled with rare gems.
Sockets - additional sockets can often be added to gear via currency from the Great Vault, however, even if you don't have those, everyone should be able to utilise Magnificent Jeweler's Settings which will allow you to add up to two gem sockets on any neck and ring piece (for a total of 6 gem sockets, not including the Siren Isle ring.
Personal food. Feasts may occasionally be provided, but don't rely on them. If you would like to bring feasts along, that would be great - ideally co-ordinate with anyone else likely to put down feasts so you're not duplicating.
You can view a full list of the various consumables here.
Click on the button below to find the recommended consumables, including all enchants, gems, foods, etc, for your specific Class and Spec.